If you didn’t catch our Passover post this spring, please read the attached article, written by David Kubal, president of Intercessors for America, entitled The Heavens are Speaking, and prayerfully meditate on your relationship with the God of sojourners as we embark on this fall’s Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot). With the second of “Four Blood Moons” (unusual lunar eclipses) set to occur this week – each one heralding in a most extraordinary way 4 major biblical holy days in a row, Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles in both 2014 and 2015 – may we look forward with even more longing for Him to come in power and restore His Kingdom in our midst. As time moves rapidly toward its conclusion, consider the potential prophetic implications of these “signs in the sky” and intercede with us for families, neighborhoods, communities and the Lord’s people the world around, that all might be in order for the His return. We’re eager to welcome him into our hearts and homes to bring His hope, healing and restoration. Chag Sameach!